Posts tagged Patricia Fagan
For This Take on the Bard, It’s All About Family Matters
Shakespeare, Soulpepper, National PostRobert Cushman2006, September, King Lear, Soulpepper, William Webster, Nancy Palk, Brenda Robins, Joseph Ziegler, Patricia Fagan, Diego Matamoros, David Storch, Christina Poddubiuk, Jonathan Goad, Kevin Bundy, Oliver Dennis, National Post
Fresh prince of Soulpepper: Schultz plumbs Hamlet’s depths
National Post, Shakespeare, SoulpepperRobert Cushman2005, August, Hamlet, Soulpepper, National Post, Albert Schultz, Oliver Dennis, Joseph Ziegler, William Webster, Patricia Fagan, Sean Gallagher, Oliver Becker, Nancy Palk, Peter Hartwell, Sanjay Talwar, Derek Boyes
Winter’s Tale Beautiful but Uneven
Shakespeare, Soulpepper, National PostRobert Cushman2002, July, The Winter’s Tale, Soulpepper, Joseph Ziegler, Susan Coyne, Tony Nardi, Nancy Palk, Oliver Dennis, C. David Johnson, Robert Haley, Jim Warren, Marek Norman, David Storch, Patricia Fagan, Paul Thomas Manz, William Webster, Christopher Morris, Guido Tondino
Twelfth Night with a Nautical Twist
Shakespeare, Soulpepper, National PostRobert Cushman2000, August, Twelfth Night, Soulpepper, Albert Schultz, John Neville, Steven Sutcliffe, Randy Hughson, Maria Vacratsis, Oliver Dennis, Michael Hanrahan, Kristin Booth, Patricia Fagan, Richard Clarkin